Summary: WMS and MES are fully integrated when you activate the WIP inventory on recipe level. Picking stock to production lanes can be triggered and a putaway or relocate of produced LPN's to a warehouse location can be done. Restricted WIP-IN locations are possible. Allocation of stock and release of pick tasks via actions on the MES operator client is possible. And working with reusable containers is explained. 

Prerequisites:  MES basic course, MES material management, WMS basic course

General duration: about 2 hours

User_Type: Student

Summary: PLE (Picking Logistics Engine) automates the pick and crossdock activities that needs to be done to start the production orders.  PLE automates the on-time delivery of the required materials using automatic order allocation, pick order grouping and on-time release of picklists. In this course the configuration of PLE is explained and how this PLE flow can be added to the recipes.

Prerequisites:  MES basic course, WMS basic course, WMS Picking

General duration: about 3 hours

User_Type: Student

Summary: PLE (Picking Ligistics Engine) automates the manual order preparation work that is required before the picking activiteis can start on the workfloor. You learn how to configure PLE key's, flows and groups, and what you need to change on the outbound orders to make the picking process 'PLE driven'.

Prerequisites:  WMS basic course 

General duration: about 2 hours

User_Type: Student

Summary: In this course the more advanced functionality of PLE is explained. Batchpicking, pick to carton volumetrics, multi-order picking, multi picklist volumetrics,  grouped replenishments, chunk based allocation (partial allocation), pick and pass, ...

Prerequisites:  PLE for production & PLE for outbound

General duration: about 2 hours

User_Type: Student

Summary: In this course is explained how inspections instructions can be made and how to trigger inspections for received or produced goods. These inspections monitor the quality of the foods. In addition inspections on LPN sets and AQL (Acceptable Quality Level) inspections are explained. Finally non-conformities are explained.

Prerequisites:  MES basic course, WMS basic course 

General duration: about 3 hours

User_Type: Student

Summary: By means of inventory forecasts, the future incoming and outgoing inventory movements (receipts, outbound orders, production orders...) can be aggregated for particular items. This way expected future stock breaks can be identified.

Prerequisites:  MES basic course & WMS basic course

General duration: about 1 hours

User_Type: Student
User_Type: Student